Diego a puppy with a broken leg

Diego a puppy with a broken leg

Hi, my name is Diego.  I am an 8-week-old male Border Collie / Australian Shepherd MIX.  My mom is an Australian Shepherd mix and dad is a Border Collie mix.  Before the Rescue could pick me up I got loose and got stepped on by a horse.  Luckily I only have one broken...
Pup Recovery Story: Canine Hypospadias

Pup Recovery Story: Canine Hypospadias

One day we got a call from a Farmer that needed help with a litter of pups. At the time, they were only four weeks old, so we said we would come out and see how they were doing. Telling Signs of Birth Defects in Dogs When I got to the farm, the pups were in a small...